How America stacks up against Asia in fighting Covid-19 (spoiler: not so well)

America, pop. 330 million, has 98,000+ Covid-19 deaths; six Asian nations with a combined population of 328 million have ~1,200 Covid-19 deaths. (The six nations are Australia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Vietnam.) Our death rate is 80 times theirs.

On Saturday, May 23, 2020, “America recorded 1,208 new deaths, while the six Asia-Pacific countries recorded just 13 deaths: 12 in Japan, 1 in Australia, and 0 in the others.”

Bottom line: “America has failed to control the epidemic while many other countries, and not just the six in the Asia-Pacific, have succeeded.”

What the heck is going on? Why are we doing so badly?

Maybe because, “The American political system has not been focused on how to end the epidemic. … Our politics are tribal and ineffective.” As a result, things needing to be done — such as setting up systematic contact tracing — aren’t getting done.

We’d better get our act together, and soon, because, “If we don’t stop the epidemic, we will face many more deaths and a long and deep depression. Thousands more preventable deaths lie ahead unless and until we start focusing as a nation on ending the epidemic.”

And you might be one of them.

Read story here.


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  1. Mark Adams #

    Well just take Taiwan which is not a member of the WHO and since the SARS virus and other reasons does not trust China, and immediately shut down flights from China long before we did, and long before it could be politically palatable to take action. They did not believe the official story out of China and had some information indicating Corvid was a vicious virus and took action early. When you take action early in an epidemic to cut off the source you get the idea outcome. Still they are not a member of the WHO and cannot be courtesy of communist China…yep Taiwan is just a renegade province of no importance and should not be listened to.

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    That’s irrelevant. It also doesn’t explain Australia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, and Vietnam. The reason those countries are doing so much better than us is large-scale contact tracing. They’re doing it, we’re not. Instead, we have a large number of foolish people flouting common sense in the name of “freedom.”