This was all in one day! TRUMP BORDER PATROL CHIEF RESIGNS ..TOO MUCH SUCCESS! Tariffs Sink British Steel into Bankruptcy! American Lobsters for Americans! US Military Bigger then Ever! Poverty Shrinking! Mnuchin Secures Privacy for American Taxpayers TRUMP BLAMES TILLERSON TRUMP’S NORTH K[...]
Archive for May, 2019
Trump’s Tantrums
Trump broke down in public today with a rant worthy of a psychotic. If he were a poor person brought in for a psych evaluation, this POTUS would be under suicide watch. [...]
Imagine a Jew in Germany being forced to use a Euro bearing Hitler’s face?
Trump has decided that Harriet Tubman will appear on the $20 bill as soon as Jesus Returns. This fulfills one of his campaign promises because, as he describes the Taubman bill, she is ugly and only on the $20 because it is politically correct. MNUCHUN: “The primary reason we have looked at r[...]
Crazy Rich Jews Coming to a Theater near You! Starring Mel Gibson!
I gotta admit, I enjoyed “Crazy Rich Asians” with all the pleasure that ethnic satire can bring. But, to be honest, I keep thinking of my Asian friends. Would they think this was funny? Would I think the movie was funny if it made fun of wealthy Jews? I guess I may get to answer [&hell[...]
UPDATE: China is Ready to fight Trump’s Trade War
LET’S LAY OUT THE WEAPONS FOR THIS WAR Trump is demanding that AMERICANS pay a 25% tax if China does not give in to his demands. Trump’s threats, dating back to his election, go as high as 45% tariffs on all Chinese goods. That would essentially cut the US and China off from trade. T[...]
Has the University of Washington Abandoned Tenure?
Does the UW still have tenure? When I became tenured, the code and state law described tenure in terms of a life long commitment to a position and a salary. The commitment was defined in terms of an academic year of 9 or 12 months. For either period, the UW and the state were committed [&h[...]
Cohen: Jay Sekulow urged him to lie to Congress
Read story here. This claim should be investigated, because if it’s true, Sekulow committed the crime of suborning perjury, in which case he should be disbarred and prosecuted. Photo: Jay Sekulow[...]
Smartass comment by SMS
Of course there is no such thing as nothing. If nothing existed, then it would be something and could not be nothing.[...]