Are Jews Jews? Are Palestinians Palestinians?

A Facebook friend who identifies as a Jew but opposes Israel, was told by someone that he was of the tribe of Dan. 
I asked who told him that he was  of the tribe of Dan? If “Dan” actually existed, it was one of the tribes destroyed ny the Assyrians. I suppose a Mormon might have told this friend about being “Dan-ish” because Mormons have a myth that the lost tribes survived and came to America as the indigenous Americans . More concerning is that your story could be malicious.  There are stories about Simon Magus, one of several historic figures who arrived in Europe claiming to be from some magical place and to be the messiah. Magus was supposedly of Dan and represented a Danish Kingdom.  There are also claims that the modern Samaritans are descendants of Dan.
Then you suggest you may not be a Semite because the European Jews are  Khazari.  The Khazari  claim is a vicious form of antisemitism directed by the far right, the irredentist Muslim community, the Soviets, and todays far left against Jews. Stalin wanted to reloacte “his” Jews to a modern “republic,” a version of the Khazari kingdom.  There never was a Jewish Khazari kingdom. whether that means Stslin’s version, Simon Magus version or the stories of Presbyr John,  Both family records and genetics confirm that the Ashkenazim arose from a smallish number .. maybe 2000 … of Sephardim who fled Andalus and settled along the Rhine. Other genomes are also seen in Jews from Eastern Europe, reflecting migration of traders from the Roman Empire north from what is now Italy, Greece, etc. Obviously there are non semitic intermixes as well but Jews, “Ashkenazim” are as semitic by descent from the area as modern arabs. It si worth your while to have a genome done.
As for the Palestinians, facts also matter. It is a fact that there have been arabs in Palestine since before Jesus. However, the descent of modern arabs is not especially and certainly not more so than the descent of Jews.  It is also true that in Jesus time the Arabs were few in number, Jews and foreigners were the predominant population of Roman occupied Judea.  Some Palestinian Arabs may be descended from those Jews who converted under the Romans, the Crusaders, or the Muslim armies. 
it is also a fact that under Sharia, “nations” and kingdoms were not supposed to exist. All were subsumed into the people of the Quran under a caliph. There simply was no concept of a Palestinian people until Arafat and Nasser promulgated the idea.
As Eduoard Said has written, this doesn’t mean that they did nto exist, National identity is not an islamic idea, it is a European idea. If you were to ask and Arab in the 1800s what people she or he was part of, they would have said Arab or Bedouin. If they did ID as a nationality, maybe Syrian.
There was no Jordanian, Lebanese, or Iraqi identity ..nor was there a Palestinian. The Zionists, including the indigenous Jewish community as well as immigrants who has been allowed to settle there under the Turkish caliphate, were unique in identifying a piece of the land with their identity. Interestingly, under the caliphate Jews were free to live where they wanted and, while identifying as Jews, before the establishment of ertez Israel, few wanted to leave Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Syria, until after 48 when we were expelled.

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