Fox Movies to Make New Version of “The Ugly American”

Fox News®, has stated that it no longer owns the Walt Disney Company®. Disney® owns the “ugly American” because after United Artists® closed, its properties were purchased by 20th Century Fox® now owned by Walt Disney®.  The iconic studio of Mickey Mouse© acquired the majority of 21st Century Fox’s© entertainment assets on July 27, 2018.


Walt Disney subsidiary®,  Fox Movies®,  has announced its  intention to release an updated version of “The Ugly American.”  The new version will star Donald Trump in the signature role once played by Marlon Brando.

The original “The Ugly American” was produced by United Artists, a left leaning company founded in 1919 by D. W. GriffithCharlie ChaplinMary Pickford, and Douglas Fairbanks, United Artists®  was an effort by workers in film  to wrench artistic control from commercial studios.  The actor and activist Charlie Chaplin went on to star in such epics as The Great Dictator, a 1940 American political satire comedy-drama film written, directed, produced, scored by, and starring Chaplin.  Disney is rumored to be negotiating with Bernie Sanders to play the lead in a remake of the The Great Dictator if Mr. Sanders is not elected President in 2021.  Eddie Murphy is also interested in the part.


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  1. Mark Adans #

    That would be Trump playing President Kennedy or Johnson? That would be ironic.