THE Ave .. State of the Union Speech: The Emperor vs Luke?

So next Tuesday we will have two very different State of the Unions speeches, one by our bizarre President and one by the grandson of John Kennedy.  This looks like a scenario from the ultimate Star Wars prequel!  The Emperor vs Luke?

If you leave partisanship behind, the US is a lot of trouble. NK, the break up of our trading and military alliances, the continued expansion of soft Chinese power.

Then there is the domestic economy. Trumpism is VERY short term. While he celebrates the stock market, we are noit investing .. either corporately or by government .. in the kind of  capital that build jobs for the future. The US is at best a second world country when it comes to rail. Our internet structure, power grid, and even TV/cable are falling behind. While China is adapting to the increased use of robots to do jobs, we are not. China now owns 50% of ALL world shipping, we own almost none of that. China is building and owning ports as far away as Greece and South America. They may even be building a rival to the Panama canal;
The immigration fiasco is that too. Leave Trumpism aside and look at the stupid debate. About 3 million immigrants who grew up here are here illegally . We are making a HUGE fuss about these folks who we should simply make legal residents. Meanwhile the world is experiencing huge brain drain, bright and talented people are moving around the world to China, Germany, France, Canada. Yeh, this is not what the Dems talk about but it is also not what Trump talks about. These high value immigrants create jobs!  The Dems compassion is wonderful but there are many people beside Mexicans who wold like to work in the US.  Isn’t the answer simple?  Clean DACA and an immigration policy reform that looks more like those in Canada or Germany!
Remember the Hare and the Turtle?

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