France’s new President, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen announces a “New Liberty” statue as a gift to honor America’s President Trump
The massive sculpture would house Mr. Trump’s writings and artifacts honoring his rise to power. Born in Marseilles in 1937, Sacha Sosno began as painter working under Henri Matisse. That experience of Impressionistic daubs on canvas was reshaped in 1958 when the 20 year old , enrolled at Sciences Po, at the Ecole des langues orientales, He explored law school an film the Sorbonne but became a magazine publisher, writer, columnist, war reporter (in Biafra, Bangladesh and Ireland), he resumed painting with his first obliterated photographs, a concept of obliteration – hiding for better viewing , Next came Sculpture and architecture, echoing the nationalism of the Fascist era as well as soviet art but now deciated to the glory of his own France. .