BREAKING NEWS: French reject Trumpism, Elect Macron


Two issues moderate the victory.  First, the large number of people who did not vote or mutilated their ballots.  Second, we do not know what proportion of the Macron vote represented France’s sizable immigrant Muslim community.  If that vote approaches 10%, as is possible,  then this could be a Pyrrhic victory with Le Pen now representing “white” France as Trump represents “white” America.


Macron has defeated Marine Le Pen 65 percent to 35 percent, with a record number of blank and spoiled ballots.

 Political newcomer Emmanuel Macron will be France’s next president.  Government sampling of the vote showed that Emanuel Macron delivered a resounding victory to an unabashedly pro-European former investment banker, rejecting Trump, Putin and Brexit.   A crowd outside the Louvre museum celebrated with a Macron victory party,  jubilantly waving ed red, white and blue tricolor flags at the news.  Marine Le Pen’s “French-first” neofascism, backed by  Donald Trump in=the White House and Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin, has been rejected.

The ennui of the working classes in the European/American world is not going to go away.  Western and esp American affluence of the 20th century  was based on the 19th century model of wealthy Euro countries exploiting the poor.  Capital was invested in factories in the west making products with raw materials from the whole world.  Meanwhile jobs in the rest of the world were low productivity and low pay.  Globalism is ending that and bring us to a flatter world. In that world, capital will seek its most productive home and jobs will follow.

Meanwhile Britain seems to be going adrift and no one can be sure that Italy will not go neofascist.

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