A Nurse Writes on The Right to Die

Maggi Broggel  FACEBOOK

Earlier I read a very prescriptive opinion regarding euthanasia the person that wrote it claim that this practice would be the end of civilization as we know it. It was amazing! She felt that soon doctors and nurses would use this practice if they felt it was necessary without thought

Here was my response;

Let me tell you a story….I have been a nurse for 38 years. I have provided that last injection of Morphine per MD orders that has allowed a patient to pass away in peace and without pain. This happens everyday and every hour in our country. If you have never sat with a dying patient who is in pain or drowning in there own fluids I dont think you can judge someone who wants to take control of their own death. I would disagree with your statement as this is the start of human centered care that does not impose a litigious and fearful agenda on those that are dying. No MD or Nurse will be “eliminating” our patients. It takes tremendous courage to make these decisions in the last days. I hope you understand how this works from a real life perspective

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