Hillary’s flawed. Vote for her anyway.

From Daily Kos (click here):

160426-hillary-clinton-0459_7c5593759807982d0c0def59f69f6b3e-nbcnews-fp-1200-800“I’m officially done with the ‘she’s so flawed but she is the lesser of two evils’ rhetoric. Cause, you know, I’m flawed. And you are flawed. And Bernie Sanders is flawed and Barack Obama is flawed and even Michelle Obama is flawed. But the difference between all of them and me–and probably you, is that they have all given their flawed lives to public service. And now, they are all working together in their inevitably flawed ways, to save all of us, and the whole world from a sociopathic narcissist. And every day, Hillary puts a hopefully unflawed bullet proof vest on her flawed and aging and sometimes unsmiling self and stands up in front of people who have been incited by her opponent to shoot her, and she says calm and rational and intelligent (and sometimes flawed) things about how to make a difference. In my book that makes her a [bleep] rock star. And in the words of another flawed and resilient rock star. There is a crack in everything. That’s where the light gets in.”

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