BUCHENWALD 130: More Buchenwald Boys

Ken Waltzer's photo.More Buchenwald boys who went to Mandate Palestine after liberation from the Nazi camps and who, after a time at the Magdiel Agricultural School, enlisted in the Palmach and fought in 1948 for national independence.

 Tracking Buchenwald boys who went to British Mandate Palestine and fought in the Palmach. Here’s another, Shmuel Yehuda Koral, b. 1930, from Krakow, Poland, who was in Plaszow, Kielce, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Buchenwald, where he too was sheltered by the underground in block 66. Went to Switzerland after, then was brought by the Mossad Le’aliyat Hanoar to Mandatory Palestine, and was placed in the Magdiel School where he enlisted in the Palmach. Here he appears in the same picture with Israel Grantstein.(in the middle). Found it in his Shoah testimony.

So why is my brother Hugh Schwartz trying to destroy our father’s pictures from Buchenwald? 

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