David Brewster: ” It’s full of techies and traffic and people I don’t understand at all who are devoted to making large, large sums of money and having fast, excellent cars. It’s a world that is not for me.””

David Brewster thumbnail icoDavid Brewster Turns out novelist Annie Proulx has been living near Seattle, 20 miles away. In an interview in WSJournal about why she moved here (she moves often) from Wyoming, she says this: “I was beguiled by the reputation of Seattle for misty, cloudy, damp, cool summers. And I arrived just in time for the first of the hot, scorching, dry, droughty summers to begin. The West is beautiful. It’s big. It’s got delightful things, but this area is not for me. It’s full of techies and traffic and people I don’t understand at all who are devoted to making large, large sums of money and having fast, excellent cars. It’s a world that is not for me.”
As Annie Proulx prepares to publish her novel, “Barkskins,” the 80-year-old Pulitzer Prize-winning author contemplates moving house

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  1. Mrs. Green Rabbit #

    Green Seattle has lost its way to greedy developers and techies who come here with no respect for the environment. Demand big houses, trees being chopped down, more cars, less room for the floral, fauna and the native birds, squirrels, raccoons who used to thrive in this environment. What’s happening to our city is sad for the folks who grew up here and it is doubly sad to the environment that attracted people to this area in the first place.

    Seattle was an undiscovered gem in the Northwest only to be tarnished forever by greedy developers (Amazon and Microsoft and other tech companies) who are destroying trees and the environment to make Seattle more overcrowded, stressing the demand on the natural resources that once made Seattle special. I hear you Annie Proulx. Seattle has misty rain and gray sky days but it also is lackluster because of traffic, overcrowding and self-important environmentally destroying hipsters. who have overwhelmed this once great city. Sigh