A Dialog with Anthony on Race

Anthony studies 5AMDo we realize that there are over a billion people of African descent on this planet!

We are socialized to think that we are not even kin to those just south of us in the Caribbean let alone the black men and women in Australia, Papua New Guinea, shit Africa!. Not realizing that slavery was just as much a part of there history as it is ours.
Cro Magnon Man

Cro Magnon Man Truth helps but perpetuating the myths of racism is just plain wrong.. A lot of what you say is great. Other parts are as racist as white history. Black racism is no better than white racism.

Do we realize each struggling black community is just a microcosm of what goes on in African countries that happen to be struggling. From black on black crime(Civil War) to Aids although on a smaller level the same problems in struggling African countries are the same problems struggling black communities have here on a much smaller level.

If you look at the history of Black people all over the world you will notice that there are chunks of history missing! Like the Moors in Spain, why dont we learn more about them? Why dont we learn about the influence they had on all of Europe. Why is that we never learn about the black people in history that used violence as a means of protection against Imperial powers such as Shaka Zulu who revolutionized the way in which the Zulu tribe fought.
Why don’t we ever hear about Nat Turner and the slave revolts that he led? There are so many examples of Revolts and Maroonage yet we hear about only a handful of people running away.
We don’t learn that the only reason the US, stopped importing more Africans was because the threat the “New Africans” posed to them. They were unwilling to accept bondage. We never talk about Nanny Town in Jamaica, or the fight for independence in Haiti.
How many people actually know who Sam Beko is? How many people know who Isis and Horus are? I bet if you asked who Zeus or Athena was most of us would have a better idea. Why dont we learn about Egyptian mythology?
Why don’t we acknowledge that Greeks and Romans got there knowledge from Africans, and Arabs.
I do not understand, why we look at ourselves and only see 35 million people. I don’t understand why we dont accept eachother man. Why are we so quick to put someone down because they are light skinned or dark skinned.

SMS thumb CezanneBlack pride is important, but Black racism is not any better than the White kind.

Hitler believed that the Romans were Germanic and that Roman Imperial cullture  came form the Aryans. That was racist and nonsense because there never was an Aryan people.

Claiming that the Greeks got their ideas from some Black race is equally racist. The Greeks were Greek and, as far as we can see from their sculptures, had little in the way f African features.
The Egyptians did have African features but were, in race terms, neither “Black” or “White.” They were fucking Egyptians with ethnic divisions just like those dividing Greek city states. Yes there were black skinned Egyptians and white skinned Egyptians and skin color might have been an issue but what I have read suggests, like the Greeks, the Egyptians were more concerned with their own superiority over people who spoke other languages than they were over which pharaoh looked like a Nubian or an Arab.
Take a look at the writings of Menthes about a minority in Egypt. This Egyptian priest had a Donald Trump like hatred of immigrants,  Semitic speaking people who settled in the Nile Delta. Those folks got their own epithet .. habiru.
Shaka Zulu was nether a racist nor a racial hero. He was not obsessed with skin color but with tribe. Shaka Zulu beat up on  otther Zulus, creating a powerful nation like Alexander did in an earlier time. Shaka’s Zulus conquered the Bantu, driving them down into what is now South Africa, If you want a white model besides Alexander, Shaka might be compared to Andrew Jackson or some Roman scuz conquering the Etruscans.
As for what you are calling the Bible, it has deep roots in many places from the Caucuses to the Nile. But most of these are in Mesopotamia. Nothing in the Bible (I assume you really mean the Torah since the rest is just the history of my people). has bupkes (a Yiddish word kind of like shit) is about “race” and it is unlikely that the sources come from folks who would identify themselves racially as we do today.
Finally, as a descendant of a Black Andalusian, I call foul on the identification of the Moors with what we call “Blacks” today. The Moors were North Africans, Arabs. They were as distinct form subsaharan Africans as they were form Hindus. But, the epithet for Black did not mean moor in Andalus even after the Spanish invasikon. My ancestors were called Negri, meaning Black … an epithet just as the N word does today. But, my genome says my ancestors were Cro Magnon and Cro Magnon likely had black skins.

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