Is Bernie Morphing?

McCarthy Nixon Bernie ico

Even as his chances of winning the Democratic presidential nomination slip away, Senator Bernie Sanders and his allies are trying to use his popularity to expand his political influence, setting up an ideological struggle for the soul of the Democratic Party in the post-Obama era.

  Bernie says he is supporting Clinton as a nominee: ‘Totally dependent’ on her platform

This sounds s if Mr. Sanders is morphing from candidate to leader of a movement.  

As leader of the Democratic Party, Bernie can bring change ..real change that builds on the good things the Party stands for. 

Bernie’s campaign for President is astonishing. He will not win and could not govern if he did.  I say “could not govern” because no President can govern unless he or she controls his or her own party.  BUT a coalition built on Bernie’s performance  could back candidates and issues in a way that could replace Tea Party repugnance with a get-it-done progressive Democratic party.

 COULD Bernie revolutionize the Democratic party?  This is not an impossible dream.  Few of Clinton’s opponents remember how, BEFORE Bill Clinton’s  becoming President, Mr. Clinton revolutionized the Democratic party by creating an alternative to the DNC and then taking over the DNC.  Presenting himself as a moderate and a member of the New Democrat wing of the Democratic Party, Clinton headed the moderate Democratic Leadership Council in 1990 and 1991. The result was a putsch, the removal  of the extreme right that was likely to have led the party into the wastebin.
Bill Clinton achieved what the Republicans badly need today … realistic change. 
Of course, the same sort of “revolution”led the Tea Party to its take over of the GOP. Bernie is no nut.  The Dems MAJORITY are progressive and it is hard to see a nut wing version of the Tea Party coming to power under Mrs, Clinton and Bernie.
So, I am excited to sniff change coming from the Bernie campaign.

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