Why are we building another law school….?

UW Tacoma has announced they are building a new law school. How much of this is pork, another way to subsidize the Tacoma economy?

While UWT does a lot of good, anyone who visits the “city of destiny ” knows, that this campus is terribly important to a local economy that has not developed much else in the way of local ministry.

I fear UWLS will be a diploma mill. As of May 2015, only 57% of law school graduates worked in full time positions that required that degree . There are more lawyers than there are jobs for all but the very top tier of law schools and some middle level law schools are being sued for failure to deliver value in return for tuition.

Where will the capital come from? Will this new law school generate profits that support other UW activities?

University of Washington officials are moving forward with plans to create a law school at the UW Tacoma, and want it to operate separately from the law school

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