MJ: Kosher for Pesach!

First Beans and Rice, Now Marijuana kosher for Passover

First the Conservative movement recognized beans and rice as kosher for Passover, now pot too! And .. this is from on the highest authority, the ultra strict, ultra orthodox rabbi!

The problem with beans and rice is that 800 years ago the rabbis in Eastern Europe decided that any grain when it is soaked might, oy, rise … making bread!   So they banned it all .. corn, beans, yadda yadda.  I married an Ashkenazi Jew even though as Sephardi, we never made such a rule!

Worse yet, marijuana is in the same class, Kitniyot!

Now Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, widely considered the leading living ultra-Orthodox halachic authority, has ruled that marijuana is kosher for Passover and can be either eaten or smoked over the eight-day Jewish festival, during which strict dietary laws apply.

Kanievsky stipulated, if used for medical purposes, cannabis is permitted for Jews from all backgrounds.

Of course, combined with the decision of the Conservative Rabbi, it is all good now!  Just don’t smoke it or bake it in a brownie!


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