Paula Spina: Trump or Bernie, that is the choice?

Paula Spina  FACEBOOK
Bernie and Yorick

Alas Poor Yorick

I had a conversation with one of my dearest friends yesterday, someone who leans a little right. He commented on how I seemed to be particularly political this year. I explained that it is because I am scared to death of where our country and society is heading. Many of you might be shocked to hear what I am about to say. But then, those of you who really know me are never shocked at what I might say or do. So here goes.

My first choice for a presidential candidate this year was Senator Elizabeth Warren. Progressives couldn’t get her to run (and I understand her reasons why) so my second choice was Vice President Joe Biden. That didn’t work out either. My third choice–by default originally–became Senator Bernie Sanders. I have since learned about Bernie and now wholeheartedly support him. He’s not perfect, I don’t like his support of the F-35 program for instance. But on the whole he represents the economic direction that American needs right now. [I was really bummed out when he didn’t win the Nevada caucuses on Saturday.] My fourth choice–and here’s the shocker–is . . . wait for it

Donald Trump.


Yes, I’d rather see Trump as President than either Hillary Clinton or any of the Republican candidates. First, I’m pretty sure that he is not as conservative as he is playing up. I don’t believe you go from sound progressive beliefs to conservative fears in the course of one or two election cycles. Second, I take him at his word that he wants “get things done to fix” America. Third, he can’t be bought. If he’s elected I expect him to reject any attempts to co-opt or own him by the Republican party establishment or others. Fourth, he’s a businessman not part of the political class. The political class maintains its hegemony by not getting things done. Businessmen only get ahead by getting things (deals) done. I think Trump would work with both party establishments to get some progress for Americans. Lastly, I don’t think he would get us into another crazy war. You all have heard what he thinks about W’s war in Iraq, and he’s absolutely right about it. W and Cheney are responsible for the mess in the Middle East and for ISIS. After the Trade Towers came down it was right to go into Afghanistan to take out Al Queda. But there was absolutely no reason to make war against Iraq, unless it was for profit, a profit the American people certainly haven’t seen. Trump wouldn’t repeat that travesty.

Now saying all of this, what I am really saying is that the party system in our country is broken and that I find it hard to support any establishment candidate. We have real problems in this country, and they won’t be fixed by a system that self-perpetuates by not fixing problems. So I’ll be voting for Bernie in November (hopefully). I’ll probably end up voting for Hillary otherwise, because of the Supreme Court, but I wouldn’t be nearly as terrified of a President Trump as I would be of a second President Clinton. So help me out here and let’s get Bernie in the White House.

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  1. theaveeditor #

    Stephen Schwartz The real issues with HRC are some bad decisions she has made in re advisors, esp Mark Penn and Ira Magaziner.

    You might look at this link on TA.

  2. Ralph Cramden #

    What if Trump won? Would he effectively head the the GOP? Or would the GOP break upo into a third and fourth party? could spark a progressive backlash. Look, he oculd win. Early pollings suggests the Donald could baste HRC!