
As a child growing up in my hometown, Ibusa, I did a lot of abominable stuff any child would. I recall a neighbor telling my grandmother she had seen me throwing pebbles at her rooster. My grandma tore her into shreds. She defended me without asking me if I did or not. When the neighbor shame-faced retreated to her compound, my grandma asked me it was true. I said I threw stones in the direction of the fowl. Yes. I did it, I admitted. She warned me not to do it again especially since she has to go over there and apologize to her. My grandma was a very proud woman, knowing that I put her in a tenuous position made me regret my behavior even more. This is a far cry from the president of Nigeria announcing to the world that his own citizens are criminals, even as he harbors criminals in his cabinet. As for the South Africans, I really think they need another jolt of apartheid for another 100 years. There are fascist Neo-nazis setting up white-only neighborhoods in South Africa and they are worried about harmless African immigrants trying to make a living.

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