25 December, Why?

HORUS an Egyptian god 3000 BC the holy ghost impregnates a virgin and a child-god is born on 25 Dec. This child is adored by 3 kings who followed the star of the east (Sirus).  This child prodigy and teacher at age 12, baptized at age 30, began a ministry and traveled with 12 disciples and preformed miracles of walking on water and healing the sick. After betrayal, was crucified, buried for three days and resurrected. Horus was in conflict with Set, sun vs. dark, good vs. evil. as in “sunset”. Horus as in “hour”.

ATTIS a Greek god 1200 BC born of a virgin on 25 December, crucified entombed and after three days, resurrected.

MITHRA a Persian god 1200 BC born of a virgin on 25 Dec. …had 12 disciples, performed miracles, on HIS death was buried for three days and was resurrected. Called “The truth” and “the light”. The sacred day of worship was Sunday.

KRISHNA an Indian god 900 BC with the signaling of the star of the east of HIS coming was born of a virgin. He performed miracles with HIS disciples. On his death was resurrected.

DIONYSUS a Greek god 500 BC born of a virgin on 25 December, performed miracles and called the “King of Kings” and “Alpha and Omega” upon HIS death was resurrected.

astrological data: three bright stars called the three kings align with the star, Sirus and point to the place on earth where the sun rises on the 25 of Dec

On the winter solstice, 21 or 22 December, for three days the sun rise appears not to move, that is, the sun sets in the same place on the horizon. On the 25th there is a one degree of movement to the north on the horizon of the sunset, indicating the coming of warmer days/spring. Also on 22 Dec. the stars called the Southern Cross line up with the sunset. One could say this star group is where the religious story of the death on the Cross came from. The death of the god on 22 Dec and resurrection on the 25th, after three days.

And then the Romans, adopting Jesus as the State God,  chose Saturnalia for his birthday.

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