I am a democratic opportunist!

What is Democratic Opportunism?
Opportunity Party coin Jefferson King flat gold

One reason I support Bernie Sanders is his effort to brong back respect to the words “Democratic Socialism.”

I go one step further. I am not a socialist, democratic or otherwise, because I do not feel there is any intrinsic right to equal wealth to even equal access to such social goods as culture, quality of housing or  health care.   I fully understand that there is value in paying an NFL quarterback an absurd amount of money or in Paul Allen buying himself a yacht so big he needs a freghter to ship a fleet of tenders every time the Octopussy moves form port to port.  Equality of outcomes is not my ideal.

Instead I call myself a Jeffersonian. I believe that OPPORTUNITY should be an American right. Every American should have equal rights to succeed.
Opportunity is not socialism. Jeffersonianism recognizes differences in how much each of us want and how much ability each of us has. But, equal opportunity does ean we need to provide maxi mum opportunity for all kids ot get a great education.  It also means that health care has to stop bankrupting people.

The biggest challenge in Opportunity is how to deal with great wealth.  A society that do9es not limit inheritance can not assure theta each child has equal opportunity to succeed. This does not mean confiscating Jeff Bezos’ or Donald Trump’s billions.  It does mean taxng that money to poay for schools, good housing, and healthcare so that other popel also have a chance to become wealthy. 

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