Archive for November, 2015
Sawant and Hypocrisy
Sawant: Seattle must stand up to wave of bigotry by Kshama Sawant – at the Seattle Globalist Nov 20, 2015 Seattle City Councilmeber Kshama Sawant. (Photo via City of Seattle.) We have all watched in horror the tragedy that took place in Paris, and our hearts go out to the victims and t[...]
Trade and jobs
The World Trade Organization was established in 1995. The graph below shows what has happened to U.S. manufacturing jobs, which usually pay better than service jobs, since then. (Data in thousands; source, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Read the article here.)[...]
Trump campaign poster
Okay, it’s not a Trump campaign poster, just my interpretation of what one might look like. [...]
More Bill Quick
Bill Quick seems to have an endless need to harass me. “The fundamental question, which you are steadfastly weaseling instead of answering, is whether you indeed paid $150K+ to defend yourself and Havi from a replevin action. I personally think that is untrue; you refuse to provide documentati[...]
A Muslim shows Trump his ID card
Last week, Donald Trump suggested IDs for Muslims, kinda like the Stars of David that Nazis pinned on Jews. This Arab-American replied he already has one:[...]
Clock boy sues for $15 million
Lawyers representing the 14-year-old Texas boy who was arrested, suspended for school, and perp walked in front of the national media because a jumpy English teacher thought his science project was a bomb have served demand letters on the City of Irving for $10 million and the Irving Independent Sc[...]
Pfizer Takes its Money and Runs
Robert Reich Patents owned by foreign companies should be protected, but not for the extended periods drug companies have recently won. But foreign companies—and Pfizer will become one—should not be allowed to lobby in the US or contribute to US political campaigns.[...]
Gluten Sensitivity .. a myth!
FAKE Peter Gibson at Monash University, the researcher who provided the key evidence supporting gluten sensitivity as a common problem has now tested and retracted his proposal. Gibson has shown that gluten sensitivity, other than in the rare diseases called ̶[...]
A Jewish Joke about a refugee
In 1936, Morris Rabinowitz fled his native Germany. He sold his assets and made five sets of solid gold teeth with his cash, above the limit he could bring into the U.S. When he arrived in New York the customs official was perplexed as to why anybody would have five sets of gold teeth. So […][...]