Lawyer defends cop shooting black teen in back a dozen times

“It’s not uncommon for individuals to be shot in the back, and it’s not uncommon for people to be shot after they’ve gone to the ground.” — Lawyer for Jason Van Dyke, the cop who shot 17-year-old Laquan Donald 16 times, and is now charged with murder

chicago2Well, maybe it should be. Read story here.extralarge

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  1. Roger Rabbit #

    A common feature of police shootings is that victims are shot multiple — sometimes dozens — of times. Is this what they teach in police academies? Once a subject is down, disarmed, and no longer a threat, the fight is over. Yet the cops keep shooting. What purpose does that serve other than finishing off the subject, making sure he’s dead, an extrajudicial execution? Is there no protocol for when cops are supposed to stop shooting?