Rubio’s dumb reply to Paris attacks

In an article subtitled “A Primer For Marco Rubio,” Peter Beinart writing for The Atlantic says,

“At least Marco Rubio didn’t answer the attacks in Paris by demanding that the United States accept only Christian refugees. He left that to Ted Cruz. But given the Florida senator’s reputation in GOP circles as a foreign-policy wonk, it’s worth looking in some detail at just how ridiculous his response was.

“‘The attacks in Paris,’ Rubio began, ‘are a wake-up call.’ Forgive the pedantry, but this is among the stupidest clichés in politics. Wake-up calls are things you plan yourself because you want to be awoken from your slumber at a set time, usually by a hotel clerk. The Paris attack was a horrific surprise orchestrated by France’s enemies. It wasn’t a ‘wake-up call’ unless you believe its ultimate author was France itself.”

rubio_perplexed_master_0And that isn’t Rubio’s only verbal lapse. For the rest of his “linguistic weirdness” (Beinart’s term), read the entire article here. It’ll make you ask yourself, Do we really want a president who doesn’t know what ISIS is?

Photo: Put on your thinking cap, Sen. Rubio, and maybe it’ll come to you …

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