Meet the guy behind the anti-Starbucks tirade

Joshua FeuersteinHis name is Joshua Feuerstein. He lists his occupations as “evangelist” and “social media personality.” His prior claim to fame is harassing a bakery for refusing to fill a fake order for an anti-LGBT cake. His actual occupation is spoiled brat from wealthy family of hospital executives. He also gets money by selling t-shirts. And (some of) the media swallowed him whole:

“None of the articles I’ve seen mention any of this, but instead take his nonsensical rant [against Starbucks] at face value and allow him a ton of exposure as some sort of representative of the discord among Christians today.  It is not real.  I don’t buy for a second that a man like him was driven bonkers over a stupid red cup.  What he saw was an opportunity to gin up the faux outrage machine and grow his pool of poor suckers, while the media obliged without the slightest insight into his past.”

In other words, he wants you to buy a t-shirt. Read the story here.

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