Archive for November 2nd, 2015

November 2nd, 2015 - 6:51 am § in Misc., UW

David Brewster: UW President Richard McCormick’s affair with a staff member was not reported to Rutgers

David Brewster   How Univeristy Prezidents Get Hired by Search Firms This eye-opening story on search firms and all they overlook in placing academic jobs is helpful in explaining why UW has had very mixed success with its previous three presidents, and by implication why it was smart in going wit[...]

November 2nd, 2015 - 4:48 am § in America, UW

Commentary by SMS: Debating People of Color

 How we use words like “diversity” and “people of color.” The argument for categorizing people as  “people of color” is facile, an argument based on  a poltical game of numbers.  I suppose there is a political benefit of lumping the issues of immigrants from L[...]