
ID card BushAs we vote by mail in Seattle, the Republican scream for ID cards to vote seems quaint.

My guess is that they will have second thoughts if the idea is supported by the left. 
I am for a national ID card.  No more passports to cross the Canada border!  Get rid of social security cards, driver licenses, insurance cards. As a 74 yo, this would open up great opportunities for senior discounts! On the left the only issue would be the Romney idea .. ID cards SOLVE the immigrant issue elegantly. Even of you hire a babysitter or pick up a laborer at Home Depot, paying anyone without a card ought to be illegal. Illegals would, as Romney suggested, automatically self deport.
On the right it would solve the gun problem. Imagine what this would do to gun sales? EVERY GUN SALE would be registered! The Repubs would have a fit. 
And then there is prostitution. “Hey, want some fun tonight?”

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