Jesus Justifies …slavery?

Carson quotes

According to SNOPES, this ia a misquote. Carson says many confrontational things, some of which may or may not be true but he really believes in what he says.











On slavery: “First of all, I recognize that slavery was a horrible thing.”  He then pointed out that some say he has no idea what slavery was like, before accurately stating “none of us actually do.”

“I realize how horrible it was … I didn’t say this is “as bad” as slavery, I said this is the worst thing since slavery.”

On Obamacare:   ” You know, Obama­care is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this na­tion since slavery. And it is, in a way, it is slavery in a way be­cause it is mak­ing all of us sub­ser­vi­ent to the gov­ern­ment.  Now it’s placed on a road to control your health … and I think most of us are asleep at the wheel. We don’t realize what’s happening.” “This is only the beginning,”“What you will see is that a lot of the insurance companies will begin to fold… Ultimately we’ll have a single-payer system if we don’t stop this from happening.”


On be­ing gay is a choice: “Be­cause a lot of people who go in­to pris­on go in­to pris­on straight””and when they come out, they’re gay. So, did something hap­pen while they were in there? Ask your­self that ques­tion.”


On polit­ic­al cor­rect­ness: “I mean, [our so­ci­ety is] very much like Nazi Ger­many. And I know you’re not sup­posed to say ‘Nazi Ger­many,’ but I don’t care about polit­ic­al cor­rect­ness. You know, you had a gov­ern­ment us­ing its tools to in­tim­id­ate the pop­u­la­tion. We now live in a so­ci­ety where people are afraid to say what they ac­tu­ally be­lieve.”

On the IRS: “You know, we live in a Gestapo age, people don’t real­ize it.”

On Ad­vanced Place­ment his­tory class: “I think most people, when they fin­ish that course, they’d be ready to go sign up for IS­IS.”

 On vet­er­ans dy­ing wait­ing for med­ic­al care from the De­part­ment of Vet­er­ans Af­fairs: “I think what’s hap­pen­ing with the vet­er­ans is a gift from God to show us what hap­pens when you take lay­ers and lay­ers of bur­eau­cracy and place them between the pa­tients and the health care pro­vider. And if we can’t get it right, with the re­l­at­ively small num­ber of vet­er­ans, how in the world are you go­ing to do it with the en­tire pop­u­la­tion?”

On Obama’s ap­pear­ance: When a col­league said the pres­id­ent “looks clean. Shirt’s white. The tie. He looks el­eg­ant,” Car­son re­spon­ded: “Like most psy­cho­paths. That’s why they’re suc­cess­ful. That’s the way they look. They all look great.” He later said: “But he knows he’s telling a lie! He’s try­ing to sell what he thinks is not true! He’s sit­ting there say­ing, ‘These Amer­ic­ans are so stu­pid I can tell them any­thing.’”

On sim­il­ar­it­ies between the Found­ing Fath­ers, who were “will­ing to die for what they be­lieved,” and IS­IS: “They’ve [IS­IS] got the wrong philo­sophy, but they’re will­ing to die for what they be­lieve, while we’re busily giv­ing away every value and every be­lief for the sake of polit­ic­al cor­rect­ness.”

On the im­port­ance of the GOP win­ning the Sen­ate in 2014: In Au­gust, Car­son said he couldn’t be sure “there will even be an elec­tion in 2016” if Re­pub­lic­ans didn’t go on to win that fall. (His wife also said they were keep­ing their son’s Aus­trali­an pass­port handy if the elec­tion didn’t go their way.)

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