On Paul as a Jew
The Roman Bible describes Paul as an advocate of the poor and as a learned Pharisee. Both are false.
Paul was a Roman citizen, a son of a Roman citizen, living not in Jerusalem but in Tarsus. Saying he was a “devout Jew” is a bit like describing Karl Marx as a devout Jew. Like Karl, Paul came from Jewish stock. However, he lived as Roman just Karl lived as a part of his culture.
As for Paul being a “Pharisee,” that makes no sense either since the Pharisees were the leaders of the (passive) resistance to Rome.
Riddle me this, which side of the Jewish War do you suppose Jews like Paul sided with? Is there anywhere in his screed where Paul castigates the Romans for their crimes?
As for his financial status, being a tent maker put Paul into a middle class member of the Roman Bourgeoisie. How else do you suppose he afforded his life style? Of course, as his preaching business picked up, like a modern TV evangelist Paul lived of his preachings.
The saddest thing about the Roman bible (the “christian” bible) is that it calumniates the heroism of the resistance to Rome. Thousands died in that resistance while Paul, like those who stood by in the Holocaust or in the era of American slavery, preached about Christianity.