Georgia cops assume black renter is a burglar and rough him up

Dhoruba-Bin-WahadIn another ugly incident of racial profiling, neighbors in an Atlanta suburb who saw an elderly black man moving boxes into a rental house assumed he was a burglar and called police, who threatened him with drawn guns and manhandled him. The cop who slammed his face into a brick wall was fired, not for assault, but for lying on his police report. (Once again, a lying cop was caught by a bystander’s cellphone video camera, which is why cops hate being recorded.) The ex-cop also was indicted by a grand jury for assault — but released on only $2,000 bond.  (Click here and here for stories.)

Photo: Dhoruba Bin-Wahad, 69, looked like a burglar to Clayton County, Georgia, cops. Well, of course, he’s black.

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