Celebrating Jewish Survival in Hitler’s Stadium!

Jewish Olympics’ kick off at the Berlin amphitheater Hitler built

Under watchful police guard, thousands of Jewish athletes from around the globe launch first European Maccabi Games in Berlin since World War II

The opening ceremony of the European Maccabi Games in Berlin, a first since World War II, at the Waldbüche amphitheater, constructed for the 1936 Olympic Games and originally named for Adolf Hitler's mentor Dietrich Eckart, July 29, 2015. (Ilan Ben Zion)

The opening ceremony of the European Maccabi Games in Berlin, a first since World War II, at the Waldbüche amphitheater, constructed for the 1936 Olympic Games and originally named for Adolf Hitler’s mentor Dietrich Eckart, July 29, 2015. (Ilan Ben Zion)

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