Sighhh. Now we have the idea that people have an innate soul that begins when the sperm magically kisses the egg. That is from the right. Then from the left we have the idea that gender is part of the soul. Apparently a different the soul has a gender disitinct from the physical fact of sex determined by the XX or XY chromosomes. . So, it follows, that people born in the wrong body need their physical gender changed but therapy that changes the gender of the soul is against the law.
DelBene Supports First Federal Ban Mandating That Gender Preference is Innate. Nest step? Maybe the right will solve global warming by passing a law that changes the chemistry of CO2? Or maybe the left will pass a law making opium non addictive? Congress ought not legislate science.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today helped introduce the Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act, the first federal bill aimed at preventing so-called “conversion therapy.”
Americans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender don’t need a ‘cure,’ they need equality under the law,” DelBene said. “This legislation is an important step toward protecting the LGBT community and their families from the fraudulent promises of conversion.”

There is overwhelming consensus among medical, education, social work and mental health professionals that conversion therapy doesn’t work and instead increases the likelihood of depression, self-harm and suicide — particularly in minors.” Suzan Delbene
The Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act would classify for-profit conversion therapy as fraudulent under the Federal Trade Commission Act. The bill also prohibits advertisements claiming a conversion practitioner can change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
DelBene joined Congressman Ted Lieu (CA-33) in introducing the legislation on Tuesday.
The next act on the other side will be outlawing government efforts to control global warming.
Ramsey Cox
Communications Director
Congresswoman Suzan DelBene
1st District, Washington
318 Cannon, Washington, D.C. 20515