Should WA State “Bud-lightify” WA Bud ? ?
Now that WA state has legalized weed, the time has come to decide if the state should market its brand.
Annie Lowrey at the New York Times Magazine has written about the inevitable, brand named products, where two joints with the same brand name will be alike as two beers with the same brand name.
That might happen even without the forces f corporate capitalism Given the fact that cannabis is psychoactive, regulation of content of legal pot seems as likely as regulation f any other food or drug. In that view Bud Light is reliable and safe
But Bud Light is terrible beer. This is especially true in WAstate where every bar sells its own custom beer and a decent tavern may have a couple of dozen taps. We may eat a McDonald’s Big Mac. but beer is a serious drink. WA state and esp Seattle beers are of high quality and diversity. The national beer market mat be dominated by ginger ale like beer pop (Coors, Bud, Miller and their ilk) but Seattle’s Red Hook, Ireland’s Guinness and Boston’s Sam Adams have great appeal.
The there is all those miles of irrigated land. Why grow wheat when the margin on marijuana is so high? Now is the time, WA state had an Ag school, a reputation fo producing great beers (and wines) …WA Bud seems like a natural.