Poetry Session/ Now I feel ya/Scarface

00-Scarface12''-aCoverFor some rappers/poets in the 90’s social consciousness and hip hop were synonymous.  One of the greatest and most respected artists from that era of hip hop is Scarface. On top of his solo career, Scarface is also a member a rap group named the Geto Boys.

Scarface has many songs that touch on issues that are a direct result of the socio-economic conditions African Americans live under in inner cities including Houston, where Scarface is from.

The song that I wanted to focus on today is titled “Now I feel Ya”, a beautiful song about growing up and viewing issues that plague his community from a more mature perspective than he did during his childhood.

I wanted to focus on the 3rd verse of this song.  In this verse, Face, as some call him, touches on everyday reality for black men and women coming from these communities.  Police brutality and black on black violence are highlighted in this verse.

If one just pays attention to the broken English and cuss words, of course this song would simply be labeled as gangster rap and any intellectual findings within this song would be written off.  In reality this song is giving a very vivid image of situations that come about in the black community.

“Now I feel ya”

Now I’m twenty-two and finally got a grip on life

It’s nineteen ninety-three, I put away my pocket knife

And got a bigger stick to fight with

I’m young and black so my choice ain’t a nightstick

Because we livin’ in a concentration set

And everyday, we face to face with death

I seen my homies go and come

And judgement day is just somethin we can’t run from

So I know my number’s comin’ up

So I gotta protect myself from suckers who be runnin’ up

And even though I hate killin’ off my own kind

I gotta be a man and as a man I’m a defend mine

My brother Quanell’s tryin’ to keep the neighbourhood at peace

Don’t fight each other, we gots ta stand and fight the beast

So united we stand but we gonna fall quick

Because we always tryin to take another brother’s shit

And the cops is in the same vote

Just because we comin’ up quick they think we slang dope

They shootin’ ta kill, they gats ain’t sparkin’ duds

They shot my long time partner Rudy in cold blood

And now the story’s all twisted up

And if they gave the cop the chair

I really wouldn’t give a fuck

Because she left my partner’s family with memories

And after hearin’ this I know you don’t remember me

But yet in still I find it hard for me to stay in touch

I see his parents and then I started breakin’ up

Because I know what you did was wrong

But you won’t realize until you dead and gone

It ain’t no justifiable homicide, you never gave a warning

You straight up shot him from behind

But all the cryin’ in the world ain’t gonna bring him back

You give a gat to a black he don’t know how to act

But you gotta tell your story to the judge

Not the imitation judge, the judge that everybody loves

And if the man upstairs grants you forgiveness

Then in reality you took care of your business

But regardless I know you wanna kill me

But I ain’t goin’ out like dat

Ya feel me?



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