Sam Adams brings Apple to beer .. the i-Can!

Here in Seattle we take beer very seriously.  There are hundreds of microbrews, all trying to sell you beer that tastes different and better.  No self respecting brew pub sells beer in a bottle, much less a can. 

In the midst of all this Boston’s Sam Adams is not a star.  Most folks here regard Sam Adams as a commercial product that improves on Bud and Coors.  As for Adams from a tap???

Unable to sell more beer for taste or freshness, Sam Adams has channeled Steve Jobs!

The new can is worthy of being given an “i.”  At the end of the intense design process Sam Adams’ design partners created a can with a deeper rim, wider lid  and Coke bottle like waist  that Apple Adams pours the beer further back in the drinker’s mouth.  This forces more air to go down,  answering critics who claim Adams brews taste like upscale Bud.

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