LEGAL AB– USE: As with the cops, so with the lawyers

In other words, Mr. Trump would exclude all American, Canadian, Mexican, Cuban, Israeli, South African. and Brazilian candidates for Miss Universe? ?

This is reminiscent of what I have seen during my experiences with my father’s estate.  Literally 100s of thousands of dollars were spent by the trustees, my brother and an accountant, greatly enriching the firm of estate attorneys, the firm where my brother’s wife was a partner.  These moneys went to the law firm, …………….. providing no benefit to the estate.    During that time the estate attorneys made false claims.  My attorneys tell me, however, that this sort of behavior by attorneys is not considered perjury. 

Attorney Mark Papazian says legal misconduct shouldn’t prevent him from receiving $14 million based on a will Mr. Papazian prepared himself.

“For over 100 years, the Supreme Court has ‘bluntly warned’ lawyers not to receive gifts from clients under wills they themselves have drafted,””Mark Papazian did it anyway … in flagrant disregard of his ethical duties as a member of the bar,” said Gerald Gleeson, an attorney for the family suing to void the will.

The Probate Judge in Detroit voided the June will and  trust.  Now,  Papazian has appealed to the Court of Appeals. Papazian, claiming  that even of technically guilty of misconduct,  the will should only be nullified if there is evidence he exerted “undue influence” on its drafting. ”

However the higher court rules, this is not the first time Papazian has been personally involved in an estate fight involving a family.  His prior experience was with his own family before the Court of Appeals.  A three-judge panel ruled against Mark Papazian and in favor of Papazian’s father and sister in a fight involving control of his father’s estate. In that case, Papazian’s father Albert Papazian, who owned the restaurant, accused Mark Papazian of fraudulently obtaining a deed to the restaurant property, an allegation Mark Papazian denied.

“That (case) has no relevance whatsoever,” “The parties don’t even know each other.”  READ THE FULL STORY AT THE DETROIT FREE PRESS

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