Arab-Israelis: New rainmakers of Israeli politics?

by David Preston

The Arab party coalition known as the “Joint List” came in third in the recent Israeli national election. This means they could theoretically form either a long-term coalition or temporary voting bloc with either Netanyahu’s Likud party or the runner-up Zionist Union. A bloc with Likud is unlikely, yet such a thing is not unheard of in House of Mirrors that is Israeli parliamentary politics. The splinter parties (typically ultra-Orthodox) have been playing this game for decades, allowing themselves to be courted by Likud or Labor, whichever party is just a few votes shy of a working majority. The Arabs are new to this game, which is surprising given that they comprise some 20% of Israel’s voting public. Compromise politics is something that Israeli Arabs (not to mention Palestinians) haven’t been good at in the past, but the times, they could be a-changin’.

Let’s hope so anyway.

NYT: Arab voters cheer alliance gains


Photo source: Times of Israel

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