Jewish Restaurant Serves Trafe to Multiethnics in South Carolina!

“Hyman’s was the friendliest, most ecumenical, and most hopping business imaginable, here on a rainy Monday night in Charleston, South Carolina.”

Obviously a sea food restaurant can not be kosher ..unless no shell fish are served. However, Hyman’s does offer a kosher choice, with all proceeds going to Chabad. The company donates $200,000 a year to other charities, including the Jewish Federation, Hadassah, and the United Negro College Fund, as well as various Christian ministries and appeals that apparently, like Chabad, have made a successful pitch at the cash register.

Bush visited during the Christmas season but was happy that nobody wished him a “Merry Christmas!” Happy Holidays sufficed.

Part of the menu includes a proposal for Mideast Peace by Eli Hyman, one of the current owners, who described himself as a Zionist and spent most of his airtime talking about damming the Red Sea to restore the Dead Sea and improve the distribution of water. It was lovely, naive, and so very comfortably Jewish-identified.
I do hope Bill and Steph visit Hyman’s and try the kosher menu!





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