From FACEBOOK black racist:
I believe that the so-called blacks(African American slaves), native Americans, and Latinos with Mayan decent make up the TWELVE LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL. The people over there in Israel ARE NOT THE REAL “JEWS” but are converts to Judaism who’s lineage go back to the Khazars aka the “EDOMITES”. All so-called white people who’s lineage go back to the biblical Edomites are the Damn “DEVIL”!!! Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the BLASPHEMY of them which say they are Jews, and ARE NOT, but are the synagogue of “SATAN”. The solid purpose of this blog is to wake up the REAL “JEWS”(Israelites) in time for the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN which will begin after WORLD WAR III. Yahawashi(Jesus) will gather his Elect of Israel from the four corners of the earth and save them from the Nuclear Destruction and establish a new Kingdom on earth with KING DAVID that will last for Ages. Ahman. And all of the other nations that survive WORLD WAR III will be slaves in the Kingdom of Israel!!!(not just you Damn Edomites)