Kim Jun Un and RodmanDPRK calls Obama a “monkey” and blames him for the release of The Interview.

My opinion by Charles Park on FB

Well, DPRK, you had as much to do with the release of the movie The Interview as Obama. Whereas, it would have passed without much notice, now it has achieved a tremendous amount of fame and likely profit. Sony and the people who made the film should send you a big thank you note. Thank you.

Do you think under free speech democracy, people do something simply because Big Government tells them to? Maybe it happens in DPRK, but not in the USA, which while far from perfect, is still a lot more democratic than DPRK.

Also calling someone a “monkey” is a racist insult. Calling that to a world leader is as disrespectful. So is trying to depict KJU being assassinated or to suggest that he be assassinated.

Still, are you out of your mind? You (DPRK’s official propaganda department) have balls calling the US president a “monkey.” The US is perhaps the most powerful country ever in the history of the world. Your country exists at USA’s convenience as part of its foreign strategy jigsaw puzzle. US plays you like a violin.

Realize this, the USA needs you just as much as you need the USA: You just happen to be on the short end of the stick.

Your leader, Kim Jong Un, should come out as a Great Leader and save his family’s legacy. He should:

* Announce he will step down in x years.

* Announce an ambitious program of reform, a glasnost, a perestroika, and the Great Leap Forward.

* Call America’s and UN’s bluff and demand a peace treaty (along with UN security guarantees) in return for denuclarization.

* Dislodge DPRK from the early-20th century mind-trap and catapult your people into the 21st century. It can be done like in Cuba and Vietnam are doing, without abandoning your core socialist principles.…/north-korea-obama_n_6383848…

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