COSTCO: Coverings for its far right ass with a Black man

Dr. Ben Carson, the prominent black show person for the Tea Party,  is a Costco board member.


Dr. Ben Carson, a strident and controversial far right voice against Obama is the great black hope  for the 2016 presidential Tea Party. A committee encouraging Carson to run for president was formed last August, and has raised $3.9 million.
Carson, a  Costco director for 15 years,  called the Obamacare  health-insurance package “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery,.”
Carson’s latest book, “One Nation,” sold by Costco, is currently no. 1 on The New York Times nonfiction best-seller list. A message on Carson’s website says he’s fully aware of the efforts to draft him as presidential candidate, and he doesn’t endorse them. “As of today it is not my intention to seek public office,” it says, but “if God has other plans for me moving forward, I am certain he will make those clear and I will always listen.”

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