As wedding month begins and my 50th anniversary is this Saturday, I wonder where traditions are going? Man-wife seems so outré! After Americans in four geographically diverse states voted for equality (against an anti-gay amendment in the case of Minnesota), and as voters in a fifth state (Iowa) rejected “Christian” pleas to recall a state supreme court justice who had supported marriage equality there .. we need new traditions!
Where do we turn?
Will June Groom become the new in magazine? Did gay marriage emerge as a way to expand ads for same sex sales of lingerie, garters and silk BVDs? Left and right, there is perception that popular media have had everything to do with normalizing gay relationships …. call this the “Glee” hypothesis.
Religion Digest offers a different (if self serving) hypothesis, ” the good folks there suggest that California’s Prop. 8 galvanized a significant and strategic religious effort .” Pollster/strategy consultant Amy Simon went before large numbers of liberal Christian leaders in battleground states to say, in effect, “Please don’t duck what your own religion has to say about this. Try behaving like Jesus for once.” And Simon was only one of many out there, working hard and bringing in sheaves of religious voters for equal rights.
Personally, I give credit to Glee!