Funding the Schools: Liberal Hypocrisy

PUBLICOLA reports that the much demeaned democrat,  Rep. Ross Hunter (D-48, Medina), is coming out at an Association of Washington Business forum for a levy swap,  The swap would replace the local K-12 property tax levies with a state property tax increase

Last year, Hunter, who earned the anger of the Democrats by joining the Republicans to take over the state Senate, had been joined by  GOP governor candidate Rob McKenna, in proposing this as way of making the state responsible for the funding already required by our state constitution under the  the McCleary decision of the Washington Supreme Court. 

The irony is that this seemingly rational idea was opposed by then candidate for Governor, Insley.  Publicola  claims that Inley and other liberals seem driven by the fact that liberals in this state live in relatively wealthy places .. including Seattle and Hunter’s own uber wealthy Medina district.  These districts have high property values so the liberal supporters would pay a greater share of the state wide cost.



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