SUNDAY REVELATIONS: God’s approval ratings decline

HARRIS POLL: The number of Americans who say they are not religious at all has nearly doubled since 2007, from 12 percent to 23 percent.

                        74 percent of Americans believe in God, down from 82 percent.   68 percent say they believe Jesus is God
47 percent  believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution, which is up from 42 percent.
36 percent believe in creationism
                      29 percent believe that God actually controls what happens on earth,
72 percent, down  from 79 percent, believe in miracles, with 64 percent of believing  the soul survives after death
                      58 percent believe there is a hell and a devil
Virgin birth has dropped from 60 percent to 57 percent and 70 percent believe in the resurrection of Jesus down from 65 percent.

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