The Scot: Savoring Film



Digital vs. Film

We always have that eternal debate in photography of Digital vs Analogue. I firmly subscribe to the latter, that film still has a core niche market. There are still photographers out there who continue to use it, and use it religiously. Digital may have today’s market and ever-growing – but, as Tom Stanworth once remarked, “Digital photography is like shaved legs on a man – very smooth and clean but there is something acutely disconcerting about it”

There’s also another digital vs analogue argument going on in the mainstream publishing and printing industry. Personally speaking – and not to mention a vested interest of the day job requiring me to fill white-space for The Scotsman newspaper back home in Scotland – I would rather sit down with either a newspaper, magazine or book to read than reach for my increasingly more omnipresent iPad. But I was on hand recently at one of my all-time favourite Seattle haunts, the “Read All About It” newsstand at Pike’s Place Market, as one of the co-owners declared it was almost a nostalgic step-back in time for him, with the biggest daily sale of a newspaper there since the death of President Kennedy: The Seattle Times’ commemorative issue of the Seattle Seahawks winning the Super Bowl.

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