Danny Westneat at Seattle Times has a Good Idea: Why shouldn’t WA woo Airbus?

airbus in seattleScrew Boeing.

Airbus tries to get into U.S. markets, so why not woo them to WA State?

So Boeing is no longer a WA state company despite the largest ever offer of a state pay off if the now Chicago based predator plane company builds its 777x here.  Danny Westneat points out that WA did not make that offer to Airbus.  Why not?

Boeing built a plant in South Carolina primarily to cut its obligations to unions. Airbus has a plant in that pinnacle of tech called Alabama .. presumably to save dollars on workers and get political clout in the US.  Clout matters, wouldn’t it be a good thing for Airbus to have a plant in the home state of the U.S. Senate’s budget chairwoman — — Patty Murray? Boeing flies over Sears Tower

But wait, there is more!

Does anyone imagine that German and French engineers want to live in Alabama? WA state can offer an academic infrastructure that Alabama never can.  Why not create a package .. involve Microsoft, Amazon. and the UW in an offer to Airbus to create an engineering hub here in the Northwest.

Vancouver is our (Chinese) buddy.  Vancouver has the largest Chinese community in the Western Hemisphere .. as well, I assume as a lot bigger Chinese community than anything in Europe.  Imagine a Northwest effort to bring Airbus here .. sharing work between Seattle and Vancouver to solve weird US immigration problems!  (Microsoft already does this!).

Puget Sound is LOTS closer to China than Alabama or South Carolina is.  Our ports provide cheap access to parts of the Pacific.  Does Airbus want the extra expense of shipping through the Panama Canal?

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