Was Shirley Temple A Communist?

Roger Rabbit iconSpoiler Alert: No! Absolutely not! Emphatically … no!

Shirley Temple died yesterday. As we pause to remember her unique contributions to American culture, let us not forget that rightwing charlatans hell-bent on rooting communists out of Hollywood dragged her before a congressional star chamber and subjected her to an inquisition about her political leanings — when she was TEN YEARS OLD.

Rightwing witch hunters were stupid and crazy back in the 1950s. They still are. Even though the Soviet Union collapsed over 20 years ago, they continue to search under beds and look in closets for subversives.

That’s one of the big reasons why the University of Washington, and other academic institutions, need strong policies to protect academic freedom, freedom of thought, and free speech. Because no conspiracy theory is too harebrained or outlandish to keep easily incited people from taking it seriously. You know, like that Kenyan kid who was brainwashed in terrorism by Indonesian madrasses and then given a forged birth certificate so he could infiltrate his radical socialist Arab Muslim agenda into the White House …

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  1. theaveeditor #

    and then someone brian washed the lady so she grew up to be a right wing nutter.