I wish he were alive to explain himself:
Tags: Jefferson, Misc., Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas
Posted 19 Nov 2013 by theaveeditor
in Misc.
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Americans can live in Tea Party states very nicely, contrary to your arrogant attitude.
If you would simply look up the quote from Jefferson, you’d know the answer. See http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/presidents/thomas-jefferson/letters-of-thomas-jefferson/jefl161.php
What is arrogant? Would you live in Northern Idaho?
As for TJ, he was an American version of a landed English Lord.
He seemingly wanted to escape that condition but never had the money to do get rid of his and or the field slaves he owned. Instead he lived the latter part of his life not in Virginia but in semi reclusive estate peopled by his Hemmings family.
That is the intent of the quote. As long as TJ lived in Monticello, he seems not to have cared much about where this niche was.
I think there were limits to this tolerance. Suppose, that Mexico’s feudal state offered TJ a respite. He could bring the Hemmings as his family, replace the black field hands with docile Mexican peasants but live in a Feudal society.
Can you imagine TJ as Lord Thomas?