Should Justice Breyer have to “come out?”

Recently, Justice Stephen Breyer seemed to mention that he has no religious affiliation.  Breyer. like most Jewish people  grew up in a Jewish household that did not observe the faith strictly. His daughter, Chloe Breyer, is an Episcopal priest.  Judaism itself, unlike Islam and Christianity has no requirement for a belief in a deiety or a profession of faith in “God” whether he is called Allah or Jesus.

Sadly, the Huffington Post seems to see atheists as being like gay people .. in need of coming out. This is especially bizarre when it comes to Jews or Buddhists since neither of these religions has a requirement to believe in God.  As for my own people, the list of openly atheist Jews or those who simply do not care about the Jews’ unnamed God includes the great majority of the world figures and even the founders of Israel itself.  Nonetheless, my own brother questioned my rights to participate in my children’s first reading of the Torah. 

Maggie Ardiente, communications director of the American Humanist Association, said:”

“Elected leaders should not be in the business of leading Americans in prayer, which excludes those who are non-religious,” Ardiente said in a statement. “It’s a great sign that Justice Breyer seems to be willing to talk to other members of the court to help explain objections non-theists may have to any potential decision. And, if Justice Breyer is nonreligious himself, it’s a great time to ‘come out.’ He’s in good company with nearly 20 percent of the population claiming no religious affiliation.”

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    The 4th Geneva Convention does not apply to Gaza or the West Bank since at the time of ratification neitehr territory was under the jurisdiction of any state at the time. I am sure you are aware that Gaza was originally under control by Egypt while the West Bank was under Jordan’s control in which both at one point were invaded and occupied by IDF since the territories were used as platforms to launch attacks against Israel by Muslim states. Israel considers itself an authority in Gaza and West Bank as which is granted to an occupying power, is allowed and specified under the 4th Geneva Convention as well.In terms of the Six Day War that was not started by Israel but started by her neighbors. Prior to the conflict Israel was victim from attacks by terrorists it was discovered were being allowed to migrate through Syria. Egypt at first sent troops to the Sinai Peninsula due to an, admittedly, flase report that Israel was going to invade Jordan. Egypt later closed the Straits of Tiran considered an international water way at the time. Egypt then joined in the engagement due to a pact the country had with Jordan and Syria in which all 3 countries had military agreements with each other. Israel did start the fighting with an airstrike but the aggressions that lead up to the war were initiated by her Muslim neighbors. The reason for a lack of self determination by Gaza and West Bank Palestinians is simple, if they stop supporting terrorists and recognize Israel’s right to exist then the violence will stop. The Muslims not only refuse to but even reject any agreement geared to bringing peace to the region.To begin with I suggest you look up a man named Muhammad Amin al-Husseini. He was Yasser Arafat’s uncle and a Muslim cleric who ended up migrating to Germany and got a personal audience with Adlof Hitler. Husseini helped Hitler implement his Final Solution as well as raise Muslim regiments for the Nazis. When Nazi Germany fell he continued his activities helping to create groups like the PLO and Young Egypt Party which was a pro-Nazi organization. Among Young Egypt’s members were future Egyptian Presidents Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat.Nazism did not die with the defeat of Hitler but migrated to the Middle East thanks to Husseini in which you see Nazi influences in groups like Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood (whose founder Hasan al-Banna was a Nazi sympathizer) and Hizbullah.