Easter: A Lustful, Greedy God Can Not Exist

It is true that sometimes in judging the moral quality of a person one takes account only of his action and the principle of his action. A person who did good deeds all of his life and who acted on moral principles would normally be considered a good person. But still we would consider such a person better if there were not envy or lust in his heart. In any case, it is inconceivable to the ordinary religious believer that God’s good action and purpose should hide His feelings of lust and envy. People demand that in God at least–who is their moral Ideal–the feelings of lust and envy should not exist.

Since God is all powerful he can know lust and envy without having the feelings of envy and greed.  As I have already mentioned I am skeptical that philosophers have adequately characterized the ordinary notion of God and thus I am not sure that omnipotence is a property that most people predicate of God. But, in any case, as I understand the expression “He has known lust” it would be logically impossible for God to have known lust and not have had the feeling of lust. Presumably, even on the academic notion of God, God cannot do what is logically impossible.

read more by Michael Martin here:

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