Archive for January 16th, 2013

January 16th, 2013 - 9:39 pm § in Misc.

Something good from South Carolina

Since I often write bad things about the white folks of South Carolina, I think the Gula people’s authorship of the song Kumbaya may represent a bit of leavening about the state:[...]

January 16th, 2013 - 7:21 pm § in China, Misc.


China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been told to prepare for war in a training directive issued by the General Staff Headquarters, which oversees the entire PLA. “The PLA and the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force (APF) should focus closely on the objective of being able to fight and[...]

January 16th, 2013 - 5:21 pm § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: !ALL! 787s Grounded

FIRST:  Japanese airlines ground Boeing 787 Dreamliner fleet after emergency landing Japan’s two biggest airlines have grounded all their Dreamliner 787s after an All Nippon Airways flight was forced into an emergency landing. THEN: FAA Grounds Dreamliners The FAA is taking the “better [...]

January 16th, 2013 - 11:30 am § in Misc.

Gay Marriage In France? Mon Dieu!

Huge crowds rally in Paris against gay marriage Tens of thousands of people gathered in the French capital on Sunday to voice their opposition to President François Hollande’s controversial “marriage for all” bill, which seeks to extend equal rights to same-sex couples.[...]

January 16th, 2013 - 9:16 am § in Misc.

Theses in English ‘Erosion of Hebrew’

The Academy of the Hebrew Language’s president admonishes Hebrew University’s decision to allow doctorate theses in English, warning against ‘Hebrew’s erosion’  [...]

January 16th, 2013 - 9:12 am § in America

As Israel Moves to the Right

 “Israel doesn’t know what its own best interests are.”  Barack Obama Next week, Netanyahu will return to power at the head of a coalition even more intractably right-wing clique.  All of this while Netanyahu has authorized building in the E1 area, effectively making it impossible or the Pa[...]

January 16th, 2013 - 4:53 am § in Misc.

The AVE Challenge

Who is the “bone lady?” a. a famous pathologist from Glasgow b. a Mexican saint c. a Chinese chef who makes marrow soup d. nun at St. Anne’s who oversees their extensive reliquary e. sport medicine professor at Penn State.[...]