This could be a good deal for the Union.  Most of these states are net consumers of federal largess.  Those that aren’t will of course have to pay off not only their share of the federal debt but  the costs of removal of federal facilities …from NASA in Houston to ship building in Mississippi. I must say I wonder how the New Conderacy will be able to compete without MIT, Berkeley, Unv. Chicago, UNC. UW. Harvard, Stanford or Yale?

That Alaska thing may not work to well either when the Confederacy lacks any ports on the Pacific Coast .. other than those in Alaska itself. Of course without the Union Navy to protect it, I assume Alaska will have to go back to being part of Russia!  Imagine an allince between President Putin and Governor Palin? !I also wonder how the New Confederacy is going to do the Navy thing?  Where do you suppose they can find harbors for their share of Mitt Romney’s fleet of aircraft carriers?  In Alaska????

One of the first things I would hope the New Union would do is dman up the Mississippi.  Whys should we give our damn water to them rebels?

Of course I do suspect we will have to give some of the citizens of the NC an amnesty option.  I would not be surprised if a lot of non white residents of the Confederacy may not be too happy with a return to living under the Stars and Bars!

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